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Alucen publishes fiction, non-fiction, academic reference and textbooks that share our passion for cross-cultural exploration and awareness. We welcome submissions from authors at any stage in their career.

Fiction and Non-Fiction

For fiction and non-fiction submissions, please query with a representative sample of no more than twenty pages. If your work is a good match for Alucen, we will contact you to request the complete manuscript.
Please include a brief cover letter with all submissions. An outline of your professional and/or writing experience is welcome. For non-fiction submissions, please include any relevant experience or expertise that you bring to your particular subject.
Submit only one manuscript at a time and be sure to include your contact details at the top of the first page, including your full name, postal address, e-mail and phone number.
Use 8 ½ by 11-inch white paper printed on one side of the page only. Be sure to number all pages.

Academic Reference and Textbooks

At Alucen, we appreciate the limitless potential that so many experienced educational professionals have to offer. From course-specific supplementary materials to complete textbooks we can help you share your expertise with the world.
If you are currently developing innovative materials for language learning, cultural or literary studies (in any language), we look forward to receiving your submission. To complete the proposal process, we ask that you provide the following information:
  • A brief cover letter
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • A description of the project including the components and approximate length
  • The pedagogical value of the proposed project
  • A comparison with other similar materials currently on the market. Please be sure to mention how your project compares to and improves upon existing offerings
  • The target audience
  • A tentative table of contents in English
  • Two sample chapters

For All Submissions

If you wish to have your manuscript returned to you, include a SASE with sufficient postage. If you prefer to have us recycle your manuscript and send our decision only, please include a standard SASE. Please do not call to inquire about your submission. We will be in touch with you as soon as a decision has been reached.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Alucen community!
Send your submissions to:
Alucen Learning
PO Box 168
Norwell, MA 02061